Bite Prevention
Apr 22, 2021 Tracey Aston Behavior

The biggest mistake people make is thinking a pet won't
bite. It's said over and over again at parks and family gatherings – ‘he won't
bite', ‘I know my pet' or my parent's pet, or my neighbor's pet, etc. The truth
is any pet can bite. According to the ASPCA, “The vast majority of dog bites
are from a dog known to the person—his or her own pet, a neighbor's or a
While anyone can be bitten, and all need to understand bite
prevention, 70% of dog bites are to children. The most important step that can
be taken to reduce the chance of a dog bite is to actively supervise children
at all times. Being in the same room with a child is not enough! Walking away
to get a drink or use the restroom is enough time for something horrible to
occur. A bite can happen in a fraction of a second. For the safety of the child
and the pet, children need to be supervised around pets at all times.
As soon as a toddler is able to walk, they can start being
taught how to respect the family pet.
Young children don't always know their own strength and what they
perceive as a pet, could be interpreted as a hit to a dog that is used to a
lighter touch. To show a child how to
gently pet an animal, take their hand in your hand and slowly and gently pet
the dog. Children must always realize dogs can feel pain too and will react
negatively when they feel they are being threatened. Dogs aren't toys! Never
allow a child to pull a dog's tail or ears or pretend to ride them. Children
need to be taught that a dog should be respected while eating, sleeping or
playing with a toy and they should never attempt to startle a pet awake or take
their food or toy away while they're using it. Never allow a child to scream or
yell at a dog or run up to them excitedly. What a child thinks is excitement a
pet may take as a threat. A child should never grab and pull on a dog's collar,
as this could startle or scare them and they could turn and bite.
As children grow, teach them basic canine communication,
such as what it means when a dog is barking, growling or showing teeth. Freezing
in place, wide eyed staring, lip licking and yawning are all signs of a
stressed pet and a stressed or scared pet is more likely to bite.
For more information on preventing dog bites in children,
please visit Doggone Safe's Be A
Tree program.
Children aren't the only ones who can benefit from
understanding dog body language. All adults should be well-versed in what body
postures and signs a dog will give to show they are uncomfortable and don't
feel safe. If a dog is giving signs such
as lip licking, tail tucking, yawning, or moving their head in the opposite
direction of you, these are all signs a dog is feeling uncomfortable. A
stressed or frightened dog is much more likely to bite.
Never approach a dog and always let the dog approach
you. Even if the human with the dog says
that it's okay to pet the dog, the dog might not want touched. Dogs have a right to choose if they want to
engage. Even if you have interacted with this dog on previous occasions, the
dog could be stressed, in pain or tired. Ask the dog and let the dog choose if
it wants to interact with you. Do this
by patting your leg and asking the dog if they want interaction by saying “Here
puppy, here puppy. If the dog comes to you they are open to interaction.
When walking toward a dog slowly approach them, putting your
side toward them, don't walk directly at them or reach out to the dog, as this
could be seen as an aggressive or threatening move. Have your hand next to you
and not reaching towards the dog. You want the dog to understand that you will
do him no harm. Make a fist and hold it
down at your side and allow the dog to sniff it. You're less likely to be
severely injured with a closed fist than an open hand.
Start by only petting the dog for 3 seconds. If the dog
wants more they will lean in or move closer to the petting hand. This may seem
like a very short time, but think of how long someone gives a handshake when
first meeting another person. At this point, you're simply introducing yourself
to the dog.
The same as children, an adult should never excitedly run up
to a dog. Seeing a cute dog at the park or out on a walk can make some adults
forget basic manners for approaching a canine. Timid or shy dogs will react out
of fear and can become aggressive. Don't come up behind a dog or startle it –
this could cause fearful aggression and the dog will attempt to defend itself.
Allow personal space! Never put your face in a dog's face!
Don't try to hug a dog especially around the neck, or lean over a dog or
attempt to pick up their feet to “shake” or manipulate the dog in any way. Imagine how you would feel if someone you just
met began to grab at you, hug you or lean on you. I'm guessing it would make
you uncomfortable, and dogs are the same way. If you notice a dog is moving
away from you, licking their lips, getting wide eyed or continually yawning
these could be signs the dog is becoming stressed and it's time to end the
interaction. If the dog becomes instantly stiff and freezes move away
immediately – they are planning to lunge or bite.
Dogs add so much joy to our lives and are happy to live as
man's best friend, cuddle partner, jogging partner or furry company. Dogs will instinctively watch our body
language and will react accordingly. We owe them the same respect. Knowing how
to approach a dog and how to respect their space will go a long way in reducing
the number of bite incidents each year.