Separation Anxiety
Jun 6, 2020 Tracey Aston Behavior

In our recent blog post Separation
Anxiety in Senior Pets, we discussed how separation anxiety can affect
senior pets due to joint and mobility issues, sight and hearing loss and
possibly canine cognitive dysfunction. However, separation anxiety is not
limited to senior pets and pets of all ages can suffer from the effects of
separation anxiety and all for very unique reasons.
Separation anxiety is the most common behavioral issues in
pets, especially dogs, but it can also be the most difficult. Pets with
separation anxiety show signs of anxiety ranging from mild to severe when they
separated from their caretaker. Some
pets will start to exhibit signs of anxiety as their owners prepare to leave
the house, others will wait until they notice their owner is gone, which is
usually fairly quickly.
As separation anxiety is a form of anxiety, it shares the
same symptoms such as barking, howling, whining, digging, drooling, chewing,
destroying furniture, pacing, trying to escape, urinating or defecating and in
extreme cases, even self-injury by digging or chewing at crates and attempting
to jump through doors and windows. Cats
will attempt to hide, not eat, withdrawal or show signs of aggression.
While the symptoms of separation anxiety are the same as
anxiety from phobias or lack of socialization, the reasons behind separation
are very different and that is what makes it much more difficult. A pet parent can
be there to help a pet through other phobias, such as noise phobias or anxiety,
but separation anxiety, by description, means the pet parent isn't there.
Depending on the severity of the separation anxiety,
treating it can range from confidence building to needing medications. The main
goal is to help the pet feel confident and comfortable being left alone and to enjoy
the experience.
If a pet has a mild case of anxiety, giving them something
else to focus on in your absence can help reduce their anxiety. Puzzle games,
and mental stimulation and even a Kong with a tasty treat can distract a pet's
to your absence and allow them to focus on something positive and to enjoy the
experience. If you do leave toys with
your pets, make sure you know they are safe for your pet to use in your absence,
such as no small parts that come off and become a choking hazard.
If your pet doesn't get excited about games or toys, work
with them to build a positive association with these things. You want the pet
to get more excited about the possibility of playing with their favorite toy or
having their favorite treat than they are anxious about your possible
A Professional Pet Care Specialist can also help a pet suffering
from separation anxiety. A pet sitter will help break up the day for the pet,
provide a positive experience your pet can count on and alleviate some of the separation
anxiety. In addition, if a pet is getting a walk or playtime, that exercise
will burn off some of their pent-up energy.
Moderate or severe cases of separation anxiety require much
more work over a longer period of time as a pet's comfort and confidence at
being left alone builds. Start out by leaving a pet for very short periods of
time and gradually working up to longer periods of time. It's imperative that
this process not be rushed, as leaving a pet alone too long too quickly can
heighten anxiety and actually make the problem worse. Start out with 5 minute increments and then
when your pet is comfortable; slowly increase the amount of time by 10
minutes. This is a lengthy process but
it can't be rushed and requires a lot of patience on the part of the pet parent.
It also helps to realize that pets are creatures of routine and they will notice
your routine. If you notice your pet is becoming anxious as you get ready to
leave and put on your jacket, attempt to put on your jacket and then sit down
for a cup of coffee. This will let your pet know that you don't leave
everything you put on your jacket and there is no reason to be anxious.
Severe to critical cases, where a pet may be self-injuring -
anxiety medications might help. Sometimes,
something as simple as leaving a TV or radio station on can help alleviate your
pet's anxiety. You can also try holistic remedies, some pet parents have luck with a product like Rescue Remedy There are also music CDs made especially to help a pet relax, such
as Through a Dog's Ear and Wholetones.
Victoria Stilwell takes using music to soothe pets a step
further with her Canine Noise Phobia
Series. According to her website, “The Canine Noise Phobia
Series (CNP) is a 4-CD compilation of specialized audio recordings and
innovative training protocols specifically designed to reduce and prevent noise
phobias and anxiety in dogs.” Always consult with your veterinarian
before giving your dog any type of medication.
Crate training can help some dogs by giving them a place of
their own to feel safe and secure. Our blog post Crates
- Why They Are Important goes into further detail about how to crate train
your pet and why dogs feel more comfortable in a den type environment. It's
very important to remember, if your pet is digging or biting at the crate,
never leave them alone in it until they feel safe. A pet must first see the
crate as a positive place before crates can be utilized.
When working with a pet with separation anxiety, never
punish, hit or yell at your dog. Your pet is frightened and not trying to be
consciously disobedient. Punishing a pet
will only add to their anxiety and stress and they will feed off of your
frustration, and you could be making the situation worse.
Separation anxiety doesn't have an easy fix and looking for one will only lead to more frustration on both the part of the pet and pet parent. Helping your pet overcome separation anxiety can be a long process that will require patience and persistence but it can be done! If you have exhausted all efforts on your own, it may be time to hire a pet behaviorist to help.