Knowing When it's Time
May 25, 2020 Tracey Aston Pet Loss

“The only time a pet has broken my heart is when they had to
leave.” It's a common saying but it
holds so much truth. The hardest decision any pet parent will ever have to make
is knowing when it's time. Yes, that
time. The time to consider the decision that every pet parent dreads. The honest answer to that question will
depend on your pet, your pet's quality of life and your pet's prognosis after
speaking with a veterinarian.
Many veterinarians and hospice care workers will explain the
quality of life chart which takes several factors into consideration, such as
mobility, nutrition, hydration, elimination, hygiene and activity/interaction
level and pain. These are all important factors to consider for a pet's quality
of life, however, all pet parents know it's never as easy as looking at a chart.
Pets are now living longer than ever thanks to breakthroughs
in technology, mobility aids and personal care products. Years ago a pet with severe mobility issues
had little chance of living a quality life, but today there are options from
slings, to wheelchairs to prosthesis.
Pets with paralysis, or degenerative disease or just age would have
issues with incontinence, leading to poor hygiene for themselves and messes for
their pet parents. Today there are many kinds of incontinence products
including wraps, belly bands for males, disposable and washable diapers. Pets adjust to these devices, and even in
extreme situations, amputations, with little difficultly. Only you will know if
your pet will be happy with using any of the above products and if it will
bring them a better quality of life. It also depends on what a pet parent is
willing to do, or can do for their pet.
I've been writing for this blog for close to two years and
rarely will I bring personal matters into my writings, however, for this
situation, please allow me to share with you. In July of 2007, I brought home a
wild, rambunctious, inquisitive, intelligent 10 week old German Shepherd puppy.
If you're doing that math that means my best friend will be 13 years old in May
of this year. We have gone through many changes together and our relationship
has grown and adapted in many ways. Gone are the days of running full speed
down trails and splashing in the pool, but it has been replaced by naps in front
of the TV, cuddle time and more time to relax and simply enjoy each other's
company. In 2015 he was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia and in 2019 his
veterinarian let me know he was showing signs of DM or degenerative myelopathy.
In the year since his diagnosis, he has lost the use of his back legs and can't
walk unassisted. We started out with
harnesses and slings and moved onto a wheelchair, which he can no longer use
due to his inability to pull the weight of both himself and the chair behind him.
I've spoken to his veterinarian, and DM, while devastating, isn't painful. He
is still happy, engaged, eats and drinks and loves to cuddle.
Every day, I carry him into our yard and sit him down in the
grass to enjoy the fresh air and birds and he loves it! Why am I mentioning
this? Because recently a neighbor felt the need to tell me I was being selfish
by forcing him to go outside and up and down the ramp. If we give the neighbor
the benefit of the doubt, we can say they thought they were doing the right
thing. However, I know my dog. We are going on 13 years as a team. I know how
he feels by the look in his eyes and I know when he is having bad days and we
adjust accordingly. No one else is going to be able to tell you what is best
for your dog nor should you allow them. Family,
friends and neighbors may try to offer helpful advice because they don't
understand the love and level of commitment we have to our pets. Don't allow them to let you start second
guessing yourself and if you're doing the right thing for your pet.
After speaking with my veterinarian, I meticulously
researched the disease and found that depending on the pet, the disease
progression can take anywhere from 1 -3 years. All pets are individuals and
vary slightly but it's always important to research the stages and progression
of the diagnosis. When your pet is diagnosed with a condition or disease, it
can seem overwhelming but it does not always mean a death sentence for your
Now, I'm in no way telling anyone to ever ignore a veterinarian's
advice or to allow their pet to suffer.
What am I saying is, no list or chart is going to be able to make this
decision for you. A well-meaning friend isn't going to know your pet the way
you do. Work with your veterinarian, research your pet's illness, and decide
what you can honestly do physically, emotionally and financially. If you have
the means for assistive devices and think your pet can still thrive, go for it!
If you don't mind a few messes or changing diapers and your pet is otherwise
healthy, wonderful! If you are physically able to lift a disabled pet who is
still eating and drinking and you want to do so, there are options to help you.
Charts and lists are guidelines, only you know what you're willing to do, your
pet's comfort level and quality of life.
Love, commitment, patience, persistence and dedication can
get you through difficult times and you will know you have done all you can to
give both you and your pet the best life.