Jul 3, 2019 Tracey Aston Health & Wellness

There are two things synonymous with Independence Day
celebrations – fireworks and family picnics! More and more families are
bringing their furry family members along with them to these picnics to enjoy
the festivities and get some fresh outside air. While getting a pet out of the
house and exposing them to different situations is a good thing, the risk at
these picnics is the amount of high fat, good smelling food that will be
readily available during the celebrations.
Grilling meats, sausages, hamburgers and hotdogs is a quick
way to becoming a dog's new best friend but don't give into those sweet puppy
dog eyes. High fat food, especially fatty human food, is one of the main risk
factors for pancreatitis.
The pancreas is a small organ that sits behind the stomach
and small intestine and helps digest food and regulate their blood sugar.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas caused by digestive enzymes
becoming active while still in the pancreas instead of the small intestine.
These digestive enzymes actually start to digest the pancreas itself, causing
inflammation, tissue damage, swelling and severe pain!
One of the leading risk factors of acute pancreatitis is the
large amounts of fatty foods found at Independence Day celebrations, such as
high fat meats
Hot dogs
Fried, greasy or BBQ chicken
pasta salads made with mayonnaise
fatty trimmings from the grill
potato salad made with eggs and mayonnaise
pastries, cakes and cookies
Pancreatitis can either be acute or chronic, and chronic
pancreatitis can develop after repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis and chronic
pancreatitis can lead to other conditions such as
EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency) by directly
damaging the pancreatic cells that make digestive enzymes. The frightening part
of acute pancreatitis is it can come on suddenly with no previous health
history prior and can quickly become deadly.
Both acute and chronic forms can be either severe or mild,
and both result in pain and the risk of serious health complications. The most
common symptoms of acute pancreatitis in dogs are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
and abdominal pain, swollen abdomen, hunching over, lethargy, restlessness and
persistent gagging.
If you suspect your pet has pancreatitis, they need to be
seen by a veterinarian immediately. Acute pancreatitis can be treated
successfully if treatment is sought before organ damage. However, if
pancreatitis isn't treated, it could lead to internal bleeding and organ failure.
If caught early, acute pancreatitis can be treated successfully with
antibiotics, anti-nausea medications and small portions of bland food, such as
boiled chicken or boiled hamburger beef and rice, to allow the pancreas to rest
and heal.
While a well-meaning friend or family member may not realize
it, sharing that tasty piece of hamburger or hot dog could have serious
consequences. Our pet's digestive tracts are simply too sensitive to sudden
diet changes to risk sharing human food with them.
In case your fur baby is the sneaky type, make sure all
containers of food are secure and pets don't have access to plates of food left
sitting around. Also, this is a good time to remind pet parents to secure all
leftovers, and make sure your thrash can has a lid or is in a secure area.
Those yummy smells don't go away just because they make it to the trash can.
There are many great ways to include a pet in Independence
Day celebrations - like a game of fetch or Frisbee or lounging in the grass
together under a shade tree but when it comes to dinner time, it's best for
your pet to stick with their normal diet and dinner time routine. Their
digestive system will thank you!