Obedience Training
Feb 25, 2019 Tracey Aston Training

According to dictionary.com, obedience is “compliance with
an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.” The problem with using the word obedience is
that it automatically establishes a hierarchy between trainer and pet and too
easily lends itself into the dominance/submission mindset of training. As we
posted in our earlier blog Positive Reinforcement Training vs Aversive Training,
“The most important lesson in training is that training is communication. The
second most important lesson is dogs communicate much differently than we do.
Dogs communicate through body language and subtle cues, therefore they must be
taught our language by using word association and incentives. “
Obedience training has become a widely used word, covering
many possible meanings. Some will say obedience training and mean the AKC obedience trial commands,
covering sit, stay, heel and recall. Others will say they want their dog to be
obedient, but simply mean they want their dog to listen or learn basic
manners. All of the above start out with
basic training.
When training a pet, you are working as a team, establishing
trust and building a bond. Pet parents know our animals are intelligent and
have their own unique personalities and wants. A highly energetic, food driven
dog isn't going to respond to training the same way a more laid back, toy
driven dog would. Knowing your pet's personality and motivations will allow you
to offer better incentives, and therefore keep them wanting to continue doing
what they're doing to achieve what they want.
In grade school the teacher often hands out gold stars to the students
for good grades, cleaning up their space and attendance. The children want to
do well because they want their gold star. Now imagine for every good grade
those students got more homework. They wouldn't be nearly as inclined to
continue to achieve their potential.
Dogs want to please us and see us happy. Try it. Go over to your dog and start
clapping and jumping around. I bet they jumped up and started celebrating right
there with you. They won't have any idea why you're excited, but if you're
happy, they're happy. Now, the important part of training is to associate that
excitement with a word or phrase. Treats are a great incentive to get your pet
started but too many treats can lead to a bigger waistline. Eventually, we
want our pets to follow our verbal cues and to do that they need to know what
you're communicating with them. Basic
training commands are a good place to start such as a sit or down. For their
own safety, every pet should know their recall
command. This command is a priority and could save your dog's life! If the dog
ever gets loose and is heading towards traffic, another dog, wildlife or any
type of danger, having a solid recall will assure you can get your dog back to
you before they are injured, or worse. Make
sure if you are using the command “come” that you aren't overusing it or using
it for other commands because the dog will have a negative association with the
word. For example, a pet is the backyard and you want them to come inside. They
are out there having a great time and don't want to come in. By associating the
word “come” with making them go inside, they are now associating the word with
a negative consequence – my pet parent made me go inside when I didn't want to
go. If a pet parent does decide to use
the word “come”, make sure you aren't using it in association with other
commands. If you want your pet to come inside, try using the word “inside”
instead of “come”.
Training takes time and patience and some dogs will learn
faster than others or pick up certain types of commands easier than others.
Training should be a positive, fun experience with your pet. If you find
yourself getting frustrated, stop the training. Your pet will pick up on your
frustration and energy and now the session has been stressful and confusing for
them. Start again when you're feeling more patient. Dogs want to please, but
they must know what is expected of them and you can teach them that through
word association and incentives.