The Pros and Cons of Cat Litters
Jan 7, 2019 Tracey Aston Health & Wellness

In our earlier blog post, Cats
and Litterboxes, we briefly touched on the finickiness of our feline
friends in regards to their litter and litterboxes. The good news for pet
parents of a persnickety kitty is the number of various types of litter to
choose from. There are pros and cons to
all types of litter and it may come down to preference on the part of both
parent and pet.
The most common type of litter is clumping clay, which is
the type that forms into solid clumps when the cat eliminates. This type of
litter is the easiest to remove when cleaning the litterbox, as the clumps are
easily scoopable. It's also the most
affordable type of litter on the list. However, the cons to this type of litter
are that it's dusty, messy, can be easily tracked out of the box, and depending
on the size of the litter you're buying, can be very heavy to lift and
pour. This type of litter is also
non-flushable and non-biodegradable.
Non-clumping clay is similar in consistency to the clumping
clay, however, as the name suggests, it doesn't form clumps. This litter does
absorb the elimination but because it doesn't clump, it's easy to leave waste
behind during scooping. For the owner, that means more frequent complete
litterbox emptying and cleaning. The cons of this type of litter are the same
as its clumping counterpart – non-biodegradable, dusty, messy, easily tracked
and very heavy to lift and pour.
Both clumping and non-clumping clay are available in both
scented and unscented. Unscented litter uses natural alternatives, such as
baking soda or carbon to hide odor, while scented litter will contain artificial
fragrance. Choosing scented or unscented
comes down to personal preference and doesn't change how the litter absorbs,
how often it needs changed or how easily it is tracked. The artificial fragrances
in scented litters have been known to cause allergies and respiratory issues in
some cats.
Silica gel crystals provide an option for those who prefer a
non-clay litter and are concerned about odor control. The crystals are highly
absorbent, dust free and are the best at controlling odor. This litter type can get expensive and some
cats will flat out refuse to use it. Be forewarned, silica crystals are safe
for elimination use, but can become dangerous when ingested, which could happen
if the cat is licking their paws to clean themselves.
Biodegradable litter can be made from several different
options, including recycled paper, pine, corn, wheat, and walnut shells. The
popularity of biodegradable litter is on the rise due to consumers looking for
a more eco-friendly, sustainable alternative to common litters. The most lauded pro of biodegradable litter is
its flush-ability, closely followed by its eco-friendliness and knowing it
won't sit in a landfill for years. Biodegradable litter can be found in many
forms, including strips, pellets or granules, each with their own unique pros
and cons. Paper strips and pellets are dust free and highly absorbent, but
don't form clumps. However, paper or pine made into granule form litter does
have clumping ability. Corn, Walnut and Wheat provide odor control, have
clumping ability and are low on dust and tracking litter out of the box. For
now, this type of litter is the most expensive; however, they provide several
pros all in one – highly absorbent, odor control and are safe to pets and the
Both clay and biodegradable varieties of non-clumping litter
can pose a risk of bacteria being tracked outside of the litter box because the
waste isn't completely absorbed. Waste lying in the box promotes bacteria
growth and when the cat steps into the box, the bacteria is transferred to
their paws and then around the home.
No conversation about cat litter, and cleaning litter boxes,
would be complete without mentioning toxoplasmosis. According to the CDC,
“Yes, you may keep your cat if you are a person at risk for a severe infection
(e.g., you have a weakened immune system or are pregnant); however, there are
several safety precautions you should take to avoid being exposed to Toxoplasma
gondii, including the following:
Ensure the cat litter box is changed daily. The
Toxoplasma parasite does not become infectious until 1 to 5 days after it is
shed in a cat's feces.
If you are pregnant or immunocompromised:
Avoid changing cat litter if possible. If no one
else can perform the task, wear disposable gloves and wash your hands with soap
and water afterwards.
Keep cats indoors. This is because cats become
infected with Toxoplasma through hunting and eating rodents, birds, or other
small animals that are infected with the parasite.
Do not adopt or handle stray cats, especially
kittens. (you can adopt from a shelter, but please do so with caution, like
having the cat or kitten tested)
Do not get a new cat while you are pregnant or
Cats only spread Toxoplasma in their feces for
1-3 weeks following infection with the parasite. Like humans, cats rarely have
symptoms when infected, so most people do not know if their cat has been
Some cats will have preferences on the type of litter they
will use and there is a possibility many types will need to be tried to find
the right fit for the pet. Scented or unscented, strips, pellets or granules,
biodegradable, silica or clay, there are enough choices to make even the
choosiest kitty happy.