Choosing a Dog Trainer
Nov 12, 2018 Tracey Aston Training

Our dogs
are born with an innate ability to love and bond with us, but they are not born knowing what we
expect of them. We have to teach them
that. As soon as your dog enters your life, you
should start working on creating
a mutually respecting bond, while teaching them boundaries and manners. If
during your basic training, you realize that you want, or need, the guidance of
a professional trainer, it's important to know how to choose a good one in a
sea of many.
When searching for your professional trainer, you should
look for words like “force free” “rewards based” and “positive reinforcement.”
But what do those words really mean? Force free training is teaching an animal
without intentional
pain, intimidation, threats or force and without the use of aversive training
methods such as choke, shock, pinch/prong and e-collars. Reward based training,
and positive reinforcement training, are methods that focus on telling your dog when they are
correct, instead of punishing them when they are incorrect.
I had the pleasure of speaking with Debby McMullen, a
Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC), owner of Pittsburgh based Pawsitive
Reactions LLC and author of “How Many
Dogs?! Using Positive Reinforcement
Training to Manage a Multiple Dog Household and regular guest contributor for Victoria
Stillwell's website, Debby's training methods are force-free and
rewards-based, utilizing modern positive reinforcement. These modern training
methods are dog-friendly, using proven science backed techniques for effective and humane
relationship-based training. Ms. McMullen believes in training not just dogs
but their owners.
“Real behavior change comes from teaching the dog to make
better decisions; it's not about controlling your dog.” In
Ms. McMullen's article, How
Do I make him do what I say?, for dog training website, Positively, she writes, “Do you want to be a
scary dictator or a wise parent? I will choose wise parent every time. Part of
being a good parent is mutual respect.” “So stop MAKING your dog do things.
Teach him what you want and make it fun! You will wonder what took you so long!
Respect, give it and you earn it!”
When speaking with Debby, it's obvious that she honestly
wants the best for you and your furry loved one and sees all dogs as individuals and
treats them with respect and compassion. Isn't that what we want for our furry
family members?
In her article, False
Positive: Why Certification Isn't Enough in Dog Training, Ms. McMullen
warns against simply choosing a professional trainer based on the word
‘certified' alone. “Currently the only
country to legislate dog training is Germany. They overwhelmingly require
modern methods be used. There are testing requirements and licensing
requirements for dog trainers. There are also testing requirements for dog
PARENTS! I consider this a wonderful thing. The trainer requirements seem to
vary a bit by district but what is all encompassing is that the country's
humane laws state that one cannot cause pain to a dog in order to train them.
That fact does more to level the playing field in Germany than any
“certification” in the USA that is currently available will ever do.” “Choosing
someone with a certification would seem the way to go, but wait, is the playing
field level when the word certification is used by someone as their claim to a
credential? Not even close! Certifying bodies (or individuals!) are all
different and have widely ranging criteria. Add to that, the fact that
literally anyone can say that they are certifying people as dog trainers and it
is perfectly legal to do this. The word certified has been rendered meaningless
in this field. With no single oversight organization regulating the body of
knowledge required by dog trainers at any level, there is simply no way of
knowing what each certification is required to achieve, if anything at all.”
“Real trainers won't offer a guarantee, dogs are not robots” she
says, again showing the respect for our dog's individuality and personality. That's not to say that your animal is
untrainable by any means, but it does mean we all, dogs included, learn
differently and no one size fits all is going to work. But all dogs can be trained with modern methods so
don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
When interviewing for a professional trainer, Ms. Mullen
recommends asking a ton of questions. This is your family member you're putting
into someone's hands after all. Some questions to have in mind are “How do you
achieve training?” “What tools do you use?”
“What does force free, modern training mean to you?” Simply asking a
professional trainer if they're force free or positive reinforcement isn't
enough, as some will advertise as such and still use aversive tools for
When choosing a trainer, do the research, ask questions,
read reviews and ask others for their opinions.
Realize that professional trainers aren't just for dogs with behavioral
problems, even though that is part of the equation. Unwanted behavior is best addressed before it even
has a chance to start; therefore, all of our dogs can benefit from a professional trainer, and
will be calmer, happy and healthier when they know what is expected of them.