Found Pet
Jun 23, 2024 ComfortAtHomePetServices Pet Safety

As a pet parent, you know too well the fear of a pet getting
away from you, so when you see a pet out running, your instinct kicks in and
you want to help them. While this is a good
thing, knowing the proper way to help is paramount in returning someone's loved
one back into their care. Please note
that it's illegal to keep or give away a found animal without exhausting every
effort to find the animal's owner!
The first step is to realize this dog is confused,
frightened and in survival mode. DO NOT CHASE! Running up to a loose dog in
that state will only cause the dog to run from you, even if they're your animal
or you know their name and are familiar with them. If you see a loose dog near you, sit or lie
on the ground, speak in a soft, high-pitched voice and toss treats in the dog's
general direction. Do NOT throw treats directly at the dog! If you cannot
safely approach the animal or if it runs away, a humane trap can be set up near
the last location seen.
If you are able to safely approach the dog, contain them
with a leash or fenced yard for their safety.
In a pinch a belt or rope can be made into a slip lead until a more
suitable leash can be attained. Now that the pet is secure, check for ID
tags. If you're lucky enough for the dog
to still be wearing their ID, immediately call the contact information listed
on the tag. If the dog doesn't have a name/phone number-based ID, but does have
tags, look for a rabies tag or dog license tag. If you find either of those,
call the veterinarian on the rabies tag or county where the license is
registered, and they will pass on your contact information to the owner.
If the pet isn't wearing an ID, get the pet scanned for a
microchip at the local animal shelter, veterinary clinic, animal control
or police department. If the microchip
is registered and up to date, the owner's information can be accessed by the
microchip database.
Notify all animal shelters, veterinary clinics, dog wardens
and police departments that you've found a dog.
If you are unable to keep the pet while trying to find the owner, you
can either take it to your local animal shelter or call your local animal
control or police department. If your animal was found and taken to animal
control or a rescue, there could be fees associated with the return of your animal.
This is because the animal control or rescue has kept your beloved pet fed,
sheltered and in a safe environment.
If you are able to hold the dog while seeking their owner, still
contact animal control and local police departments to let them know you are
holding a found dog. If someone has lost
a pet, they will notify animal control and police departments. After notifying
the proper authorities, place Found Pet fliers around the area. Include a brief description of the animal but
leave off specifics, as you will need something for the owners to verify it's
their pet.
Utilize the Internet. There are hundreds of lost pet groups on Facebook that are specific to certain areas of your city! The owner of the found animal may have posted to one of the popular Facebook groups looking for their pet! The best groups to try locally for dogs are Lost and Found Dogs-Pittsburgh, PA, Reuniting dogs with families Pittsburgh area and Lost Dogs Pittsburgh. For cat inclusive or specific groups, try Lost &Found Pets in Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pet Helpers, Lost/Found Cats Pittsburgh and Lost and Found Cats Pittsburgh, PA. Download the app PawBoost, it's free and you can view, share, and report lost & found pets. You can also choose to get notified when a local pet is lost or found near you and contact the owner or finder with helpful information.
If you find a cat with a tipped ear, they are NOT lost.
Outdoor cats, and even well taken care of feral cats, will have clipped ears to
show they have been spayed or neutered and are loved and belong to
Following the above steps, while keeping a cool mind, will help you reunite a loved pet with its family!