Preparing Your Home for a New Pet
May 28, 2024 ComfortAtHomePetServices Training

Nothing beats the
excitement of bringing home a new family member! Adding a new pet to your
family is truly one of life's joys. However, taking the needed time and
preparation before your new arrival can help ensure the process goes smoothly
for all family members involved.
Before the big day, if you know what kind of dog you're
getting it would be helpful to research the breed and get to know the breed
type needs you're bringing home. Nothing is ever set in stone, and all dogs
have their own unique personalities, but breed can help let you know if your
new family member is high energy or will be more than happy to sit on your lap
all-day binge-watching Netflix.
Puppies and kittens require constant attention, having
a clear plan and family scheduling before your new pet arrives can stave off
issues later.
· Who's going to watch the puppy?
If you hire a pet sitter, make sure they are a professional pet sitter.
Professional pet sitters are insured, bonded and have a clear criminal
background check. Visit our blog post Kennels vs Pet Sitters for more information
on the benefits of having a consistent professional pet sitter for your pet.
Pet Sitters International and the National Association of Professional Pet
Sitters have a wealth of professional pet sitting information.
· Are you going to crate the
puppy during the day? If so, our post Crates - Why They Are Important - has
helpful information on the benefits of crate training for the health and
wellbeing of your pet.
· Can anyone stay at home with
the new puppy for the first couple days?
· Who will take the puppy to the
papers or the backyard when they need to go, as puppies must use the bathroom
every 3 hours?
· Who's going to litter train a
cat or kitten?
· Who is getting up at night to
let the puppy out?
· Who will oversee feedings?
· Who will make the decision on
the vet you're going to choose for your new family member? Before choosing a
veterinarian for your new pet, our article Is Your Vet the Best for You and
Your Pet? will provide you with many considerations before making your final
· Who will make the veterinary
appointments and vaccinations schedule?
· Who will train the dog on basic
obedience, or will you hire a trainer?
· Where will the new pet
Older dogs are calmer, aren't teething and can go
longer between potty breaks but they will still need adjustment time, a feeding
and vet schedule and possibly basic obedience training. Older cats are litter
trained, but make sure you have enough litter boxes in various locations of
your house.
Now that you have a responsible plan of action, it's
time for some fun – shopping! Puppies chew a lot! A lot! Make sure they have
plenty of teething toys, so the leg of your couch doesn't become their new
teething ring. Cats and kittens should have scratching post to use so they
won't be tempted by your furniture.
You'll need:
· food and water bowls
· variety toys –stuffed, squeaky,
ropes, chew toys, stuffed mice, catnip toys
· grooming supplies
· bedding
· collar, leash or harness
· crate
· baby gate to block doors or
secure them into a room
· ID tags
· Litter box, litter and scoop
· Scratching posts
· Cat carriers
· Travel carriers
After all your new supplies are bought, but before you
bring your new pet home, you need to pet proof your home.
Pay attention to:
· Electrical cords that can be
chewed on need to be wrapped up and hidden if possible
· Keep trash cans covered
· Remove all plants that may be
harmful to your new pet if nibbled on
· Lock away all cleaning
solutions, children's toys with small pieces that can be swallowed,
medications, sugar-free gum
· Make sure all heating and
cooling vents are properly secured
· Remove or move important
knick-knacks that an exploring kitten may knock over
· Keep the toilet lid closed
· Secure all screen doors and
windows so they aren't easily knocked out
Your new family member is here! It's a time of immense
joy and excitement but your new pet may be a bit overwhelmed with all the
change. Puppies and kittens cry the first few nights. Your new pet is still
getting adjusted to their new homes! Older dogs and cats may not be as likely
to cry but will still need down time to adjust to their new home. Your new pet
should not have the full range of your home when they are first coming home.
Make sure your new pet has its own personal enclosed, quiet space, complete
with a comfortable bed, so they can decompress and begin feeling secure in
their new environment. You will be best friends soon enough, but they are still
getting used to you and their new home. Think of the stress of moving or
changing jobs, it takes a while to get into the swing of things. Be patient
with them and yourself, this is a big transition for you both!
Within a week of bringing your new pet home, your pet
should visit a veterinarian for a wellness check and vaccinations, if needed.
All dogs 3 months of age or older must be licensed within your county.
By following these guidelines, and of course lots of
love and snuggles, your new family member will be feeling right at home in no